Many elements will repeat throughout the series including Bob’s hat and gnomes that were painted in his honor after his death. YES I found a box of ceramic gnomes that strongly resembled Bob and they were hand painted and given to people who love him. Each was painted with a different scheme including a glow in the dark version.

I gave Bob his hat after it was given to me as part of my payment for helping a building contractor build a web site for fishing. Yes he paid me in hats that were left over stock from a hat store that had gone out of business in one of the strip malls he managed. Bob loved his hat and posted about it on Facebook. Bob’s hat will be a continuing series on BOBicon.

Bob’s head will also be used in series – nuff said.

Today’s low effort series features a Bob gnome with our chi chi Peanut. I gave another chi chi named Fergie, so the CHIGNOMEs will most likely be a continuing series, too. Woof woof!

Dropping NFTs soon as we approach the one year anniversary of Bob’s death. Taking requests for digital art from friends and family. If you would like to become one or the other, email

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