Yes a new fresh set of 24 BOB Heads are posted today at BOBHED2. This series is made from a self-portrait that Bob made using Photoshop techniques with layers and thresholds and brushes, etc., to create this effect. Now, only a few years later, this type of thing is an Instagram filter or Photoshop plug-in. Bob and I had a falling out about this technique and how people thought he was drawing, but it wasn’t with a pencil or a piece of charcoal – it was using Photoshop techniques he was learning from YouTube videos, like the rest of us. Case in point was a rendering of Dr. Who that he “drew” and I found the photo source that he used in the exact same pose. When I dropped his drawing onto the photo and every detail lined up exactly, he was mad at me for awhile. I am not sure what was so important to him to have people think he had drawn something that was made with Photoshop, but he was NOT happy with me.
NOTE: This BOBHED02 series has the first .gif animations on the site. Yes – the files are massive and WOW they will most likely slow down the page a lot, but I really like them. OK so credit where credit is due in regards to the actual animations that were glommed from –
The 3rd Eye Kaleidoscope is from artist Joe Winograd – Find it when you click here
The TV Static behind BOB’s head is from YouTube – Find it when you click here
NOTE: Anyone who ever really knew Bob, knew he had a tough time doing the dishes. Believe you me! He had a little television in there to help motivate himself to clean his kitchen. That is not an actual photo of his home.