Last night was a special night for me as the mighty GoatVSFish opened the fan mail package that was shipped from Blairstown, NJ on Friday the 13th. Oh boy! It was a blast! I discovered GoatVSFish on a show and have been a follower ever since. You have to love an act that Kill Tony said he’d give 3 months tops! And yet, GoatVSFish has been growing in numbers with more than 2,000 Twitch subscribers to the often hours long performances. For more information, visit

The package contained a notepad in the shape of a goat’s head, where the word BOB was recorded for all of history!


The project is winding down as the 1,000 image is coming soon. I do not know think I should count the doodads and occasional blog photos that are including in the Media Library total assets, so the actual final total will be slightly higher. Many new BOBHEDs and a new GIRAFFE Gallery are here. Thanks for your support of this project. I would never have completed it without the encouragement of those who know how much I enjoyed creating 1,000 Low Effort Photoshop manipulations dedicated to the memory of my friend Bob Hires.

Yes! I have created 700 images to date and still cranking out low effort Photoshop manipulations in tribute to Bob Hires and in an effort to make Bob a work of art. New GNOMES and BOB HEADS have been published to the growing list of galleries. The growing and overflowing main menu is an awesome example of bad web design, as Bob and I were both big fans of the old web site Web Pages That Suck. Thanks for your support!

The BOBS Gallery is live with many famous Bobs and companies with the name Bob in them. Bob did not collect BOBS as much as Hires Root Beer memorabilia. He told a story that his side of the family did not think it was prudent to go into the root beer business and so they missed out on helping to build that empire. Instead, Bob had to settle for bric-a-brac and assorted eBay items we would give him each year.

GTRONS are live featuring everyone’s favorite Giraffeatron Force, protectors from a jungle planet light years away. These were toys that were assembled from Dollar Store items using razor knives and epoxy. A wonderful weekend craft project that was packaged and presented to the one man who would cherish them, my friend Bob Hires.

Hoppy bird daze two ewe wherever you are! Posted our photos in the BUDS gallery and coming close to completing 700 pieces of art. I know that a lot of these low effort Photoshop manipulations are amateurish at best and thanks for your critiques. I appreciate feedback of any form these days as so many of the people in my life who are my “friends” never speak to me unless spoken to. This is one of the biggest ways that Bob impacted my life in that we talked to each other in some form or another every day. Sometimes it was a PM or sharing some event link, but it was a daily occurrence. I miss that in my life.

Yes! This is a drawing of ME that Bob did once upon a time for a special dining section of the Philadelphia Welcomat. There was nothing better than seeing this likeness blowing down the sidewalk the day after the paper hit the street.

New GIRAFFES have arrived in the GIRAFFES02 gallery featuring low effort Photoshop manipulations of original artwork drawn by Bob Hires. He loved giraffes and I would often seek out giraffe items to give him One of the best was a combination of plastic giraffes and robots from the Dollar Store – Girrafatrons!

The total pieces of custom art made for the site has reached 500. I thought I had already achieved it last week, but upon further inspection of the Media Library, I found a few more pieces of template clip art in the folders. SO – now it is official. With the publishing of the BHED07 gallery, the project is now halfway complete. You can purchase this work at if you would like to help make Bob a work of art.

Thanks for supporting this project and helping to make Bob Hires a work of art. Once upon a time, a box filled with ceramic gnomes was discovered in the back of a supply closet. The gnomes had a striking resemblance to Bob, so they were painted in different shades and schemes to capture his likeness. For example, there is a glow in the dark version, a mystical Shriner version, Grey Beard and Red Beard versions and more. The gnomes were given to friends and family at Bob’s memorial service, but I held onto this one for myself.

This little Gnome has made the rounds, representing Bob at functions in his honor. I miss Bob a lot and this is one way that his spirit continues to bring joy into my life as his little Gnome sees things Bob will never see now. Like fairs and parties and all the wonderful ways we lived our lives!