Posted 8 new BOBs to the HOME PAGE called DOUBLE WIDES. People often ask me if I can do my Photoshop wizardry on their photos to make them look thinner. Bob had actually taught me some tricks to do just that including increasing the height and not the width and using a clone stamp to eliminate unsightly double-chins. I have even gone so far as to swap faces for some people by finding their best poses and combining different elements like a new face on a different body. Whatever works and makes them happy! These images are the opposite effect and try to make Bob seem twice his size!
The first batch of ZOOM images have been posted. Bob was a graphic designer for a company called Discovery Software based in Annapolis, MD. It was a wild place full of Russian programmers who were bringing such classic games as Arkanoid and Home Alone to the market. One of the games was called ZOOM and an obvious homage to Pac Man. I remember getting hired by the company to perform puppetry at a gaming tradeshow they were attending, and the main character I used was the ZOOM character. I also took a huge puppet that looked like a dragon on crack and it was supposed to represent being a computer virus.
A fact about the ZOOM character was that the company spent a lot of money to have chocolate bars manufactured with the character embossed on them, to use as giveaways. Of course, chocolate that is designed to withstand the rigors of travelling to trade shows while holding the shape of a cartoon character just ain’t the best chocolate in the world. Still, I personally consumed about 100 of them.
Here are the launch version BOBs in a collage with a never before posted DOUBLE WIDE BOB in the bottom right corner.
Four new BOBs posted on Home Page – The Man Who Ate South Jersey variations.
Many years ago, Bob started a wonderful blog called The Man Who Ate South Jersey. It was great and Bob really put an effort into being a foodie of note. It was a mix of nostalgia, reviews, and recipes – CLICK HERE to visit Bob’s Blog
Many elements will repeat throughout the series including Bob’s hat and gnomes that were painted in his honor after his death. YES I found a box of ceramic gnomes that strongly resembled Bob and they were hand painted and given to people who love him. Each was painted with a different scheme including a glow in the dark version.
I gave Bob his hat after it was given to me as part of my payment for helping a building contractor build a web site for fishing. Yes he paid me in hats that were left over stock from a hat store that had gone out of business in one of the strip malls he managed. Bob loved his hat and posted about it on Facebook. Bob’s hat will be a continuing series on BOBicon.
Bob’s head will also be used in series – nuff said.
Today’s low effort series features a Bob gnome with our chi chi Peanut. I gave another chi chi named Fergie, so the CHIGNOMEs will most likely be a continuing series, too. Woof woof!
Dropping NFTs soon as we approach the one year anniversary of Bob’s death. Taking requests for digital art from friends and family. If you would like to become one or the other, email
Awesome launch week and thanks to all who helped to welcome!
Super special shout out to the crew at OpenTea who talked about the project on their very first YouTube podcast WOW! You should check them out and get the scoop on NFTs and OpenSea. Giving you the T – check out their first episode here.
This post is to bring everyone up to speed on what is happening on BOBicon dot com, including info on the first pages created. Each page will be added to the Main Menu in an effort to have a ton of links created in the same order that the pages were created, and to build a huge array of links on the home page – which is totally BAD web design.
Meanwhile, the ABOUT US page is updated so you can glean some more info there as well.
8/10 – Official launch date and the first set of 24 BOBs are posted in a continuing series.
8/11 – First set of 24 GNOMES are posted in a continuing series. – GNOMES
8/12 – First set of 24 HATS are posted in a continuing series. – HATS01
8/13 – About Us page updated and 8 additional BOBs added to Home Page.
8/14 – 12 GIRAFFES move to dedicated page. In a continuing series. – GIRAFFES
8/15 – 24 HATS of a continuing series posted on HATS02 page.
8/15 – 24 BOB HEADS in a continuing series published to BHEAD01.
NFTs will be dropping soon and also taking digital art requests!